Busuu, Memrise, Duolingo and Mondly

     Hello everyone
     Enhancing your language learning while sitting your home is not impossible. You don’t necessarly have to go a language course etc. There are some apps that you can use and benefit from. In this sense, choosing the best and appropriate app is essential so that you do not waste your time. I will talk about four of them. Lets go!

  First one is Memrise. Memrise offers you 9 languages you can study. Memrise focuses on vocabulary instead of grammer and i think you all know in some point vocabulary is more important than grammar. Memrise offers you language courses in many levels. Also, you can create your own course like adding your choose of vocabulary. Matching the word with it’s pronuncation is a helpful activity that can enhance your listening skills. Morever, you can record yourself and see what you are doing. 

  Busuu offers you 12 languages you can learn. You can from the begginning or you can solve the test busuu offers you and show them what level are you at. It is up to you. Based on your answers to some questions such as what is your purpose? How often you want to learn? it creates a plan for you. Also, it supports the plan with exercises and activities. If you like the app and want more you need to be premium member. 

 Compared to others duolingo is a little weaker i think because it based on translation mostly. In our classes we should not focus on translation that much because it leads students to just memorize and it has not any help. Duolingo offers you some activities and exercises just like the others but again i think it is not efficient because it repeats one word so much that you can be bored.

  Mondly offers you many diferent activities such as    matching and putting words in order. It supports the exercises with visuald which is a very effective way to teach. You can access daily lessons. Besides vocabulary, to improve your speaking skill it offers you a chatbox that you can  communicate. 

   You have read my evaluation of Busuu, Memrise, Duolingo and Mondly. Now, you need to choose one you want to start learning. If you try share with me your experiences. Till next time, stay safe and healthy. 


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