Hello everyone

    Do you ever heard of TPACK? If yo don't it is okay you will now. In my opinion it is important to be aware of TPACK. Let me talk about it.

     TPACK(Technological Pedogogical Content Knowledge) is a framework that the activities planned using technology in education and trainig should definitely comply with the cirruculum and the pedagogical expectations of the students when planning. We all know the importance of considering pedagogical aspects while we teach and TPACK helps us to understand and apply better.

     At the center of the framewoek we see 3 basic elements of knowlegde:

    - Content knowledge: It refers to knowledge of teachers.

    - Pedagogy knowledge: It refers to the knowledge of the processes of learning and teaching.

    - Technology knowledge: It refers to the knowledge of technological tools.

    Also, there are three other components of TPACK:

    - Pedagogoical content knowledge

    - Technological content knowledge

   - Techonological pedagogy knowledge

     In today's world a good education is possible with the technology. We have too keep up with the rest of the world. As teachers we have to know and use technology as much as our students and even better than them. 

    Correct technology integration means understanding the relationship between technology, content and pedagogy knowledge trio. So, my advice is be aware of the power technology holds and use it efficiently. TPACK will help you i promise.

   See you nex time ! 


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